Difference between Direct3D 11 and older api

What is the difference between Direct3D 11 and prior graphics APIs like Direct3D 9 or 10? What are the improvements Direct3D 11 has over previous versions?

DirectX 11 is a set of multimedia APIs by Microsoft, primarily focused on 3D graphics with Direct3D 11, audio, input, and display management. It introduces features like tessellation, multi-threading, and compute shaders, optimizing performance for modern GPUs on Windows.

In this blog, I have provided comparison between Direct3D 11 and prior graphics APIs.

What are the key differences between Direct3D 9 and Direct3D 11?

FeatureDirect3D 9Direct3D 11
Shader ModelShader Model 2.0 / 3.0Shader Model 5.0 (supports Compute & Tessellation Shaders)
Pipeline TypeFixed-function pipeline with programmable shadersFully programmable pipeline with no fixed-function transformations
Multi-threadingNo built-in multi-threading supportIntroduces deferred contexts for multi-threading efficiency
TessellationNot supportedSupports Hull, Domain, and Tessellation Shaders
Resource ManagementExplicit memory managementMore advanced resource management with views (SRV, UAV, RTV)
Compute ShadersNot availableSupports Compute Shaders for general-purpose GPU computing (GPGPU)
InstancingLimited supportImproved instancing support for rendering multiple objects efficiently
DXGI (Swap Chain & Presentation)Handled within Direct3DUses DXGI for display management, making Direct3D more modular
Driver ModelWindows XP Driver Model (XDDM)Windows Display Driver Model (WDDM), which improves efficiency and stability

How does Direct3D 11 improve multi-threading support compared to Direct3D 10?

In Direct3D 10, all rendering commands had to be issued from a single thread, which could create CPU bottlenecks in multi-threaded applications. Direct3D 11 introduced several improvements to support multi-threading:

  1. Deferred Contexts
    • Allows multiple threads to record command lists independently.
    • These command lists can then be executed by the immediate context on the main thread.
    • Helps in scaling CPU-side work across multiple cores.
  2. Command Lists
    • Commands recorded in a deferred context can be stored as command lists.
    • The main thread can execute these lists asynchronously, reducing CPU workload.
  3. Thread-Safe Resource Creation
    • Allows resources (textures, buffers, shaders) to be created on multiple threads concurrently.
  4. Asynchronous Compute (Compute Shaders)
    • Supports compute shaders that can run independently from rendering, maximizing GPU utilization.

These improvements allow applications to better utilize multi-core CPUs by distributing rendering work across multiple threads, leading to better performance and reduced CPU bottlenecks.

What are the main components of a Direct3D 11 rendering pipeline?

The Direct3D 11 rendering pipeline consists of several programmable and fixed-function stages:

  1. Input Assembler (IA) Stage
    • Reads vertex data from buffers.
    • Assembles primitives (triangles, lines, points).
  2. Vertex Shader (VS)
    • Processes each vertex individually.
    • Transforms vertices from object space to clip space.
    • Outputs vertex position and attributes for the next stage.
  3. Hull Shader (HS) (Optional, for tessellation)
    • Processes patches of control points.
    • Outputs tessellation factors for the next stage.
  4. Tessellator (TESS) (Optional)
    • Subdivides geometry based on tessellation factors.
    • Generates additional vertices dynamically.
  5. Domain Shader (DS) (Optional, for tessellation)
    • Processes newly generated vertices from the tessellator.
    • Computes final vertex positions.
  6. Geometry Shader (GS) (Optional)
    • Operates on entire primitives (e.g., triangles, lines).
    • Can generate additional geometry dynamically.
  7. Stream Output (SO) (Optional)
    • Allows geometry to be written to buffers for later use (e.g., particle systems).
  8. Rasterizer (Fixed-Function)
    • Converts geometry into pixels.
    • Performs clipping and viewport transformation.
  9. Pixel Shader (PS)
    • Executes once per pixel.
    • Determines the final color of each pixel.
  10. Output Merger (OM) (Fixed-Function)
  • Blends pixel shader outputs with existing framebuffer contents.
  • Applies depth/stencil testing and alpha blending.
  1. Compute Shader (CS) (Optional, GPGPU Compute)
  • A separate parallel execution pipeline for general-purpose GPU computations.

Explain the role of ID3D11Device and ID3D11DeviceContext. How are they different?


  • Represents the Direct3D 11 device (hardware abstraction).
  • Responsible for creating GPU-related resources (textures, buffers, shaders).
  • Typically a long-lived object (created once and reused).


  • Represents the rendering context (command submission).
  • Handles issuing draw calls, binding resources, and executing commands.
  • Can be of two types:
    • Immediate Context: Executes rendering commands in real-time.
    • Deferred Context: Records commands for later execution (multi-threading support).

Key Differences

PurposeCreates and manages GPU resourcesIssues rendering commands
Thread SafetyThread-safe (can be used across threads)Only the immediate context is thread-safe
LifetimeTypically created once per applicationCan be created per-thread for multi-threading
Type of WorkResource creation, capability queriesDrawing, state management, compute dispatch

Example creation of Direct3D 11 device and device context

// Create the Direct3D 11 device and device context
ID3D11Device* device = nullptr;
ID3D11DeviceContext* context = nullptr;

    nullptr,                    // Default adapter
    D3D_DRIVER_TYPE_HARDWARE,   // Use GPU hardware acceleration
    nullptr,                    // No software rasterizer
    0,                          // No debug flags
    nullptr, 0,                 // Default feature levels
    &device,                    // Output device
    nullptr,                    // Feature level (optional)
    &context                     // Output immediate context

// Use device to create a buffer
ID3D11Buffer* vertexBuffer = nullptr;
D3D11_BUFFER_DESC bufferDesc = {};
bufferDesc.Usage = D3D11_USAGE_DEFAULT;
bufferDesc.ByteWidth = sizeof(float) * 9; // Example size
bufferDesc.BindFlags = D3D11_BIND_VERTEX_BUFFER;
device->CreateBuffer(&bufferDesc, nullptr, &vertexBuffer);

// Use context to bind and draw
UINT stride = sizeof(float) * 3;
UINT offset = 0;
context->IASetVertexBuffers(0, 1, &vertexBuffer, &stride, &offset);
context->Draw(3, 0); // Draw a triangle
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